2° Workshop on Nephrology project ECOS-ANID #210024
2° Workshop on Nephrology project ECOS-ANID #210024
"Successful 2nd Workshop on Nephrology Project ECOS-ANID: Recognizing Excellence in Basic and Clinical Research
The 2nd Workshop on Nephrology Project ECOS-ANID proved to be a resounding success, showcasing the winning presentations in the categories of basic and clinical research from the National Congresses of Nephrology, Hypertension, and Transplantation Societies. Notably, the award-winning work was also presented at the Hypertension Sessions of the American Heart Association (AHA), further highlighting its significance on the international stage.
The event was graced by an enlightening lecture from Prof. Dr. Christos Chatziantoniou, Director of Research at Unit 1155, INSERM – Sorbonne Université, Paris. His talk, titled “Therapy of Renal Disease: Mission Impossible?”, provided valuable insights into the challenges and possibilities in the field of nephrology.
We take pride in the collaborative efforts of all the researchers who actively participated in the workshop. Heartfelt appreciation goes out to everyone who contributed to the success of the event. Your dedication and engagement played a crucial role in making this workshop a truly enriching and rewarding experience for all involved."